array( 'template' => 'whois_domain_status', 'arguments' => array( 'address' => NULL, // The address that was looked up 'registered' => NULL, // Boolean, weather the domain is already registered 'result_data' => NULL, // Full result data, optionally used in template to further customise the output ), ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function whois_menu() { $items = array(); $items['whois'] = array( 'title' => 'Whois lookup', 'page callback' => 'whois_whois_page', 'access arguments' => array('access whois'), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); $items['whois-ajax'] = array( 'title' => 'Whois lookup', 'page callback' => 'whois_ajax', 'access arguments' => array('access whois'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/settings/whois'] = array( 'title' => 'Whois lookup', 'description' => 'Configure Whois lookup output style, dynamic(AJAX) results, hourly threshold, and more.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('whois_settings'), 'file' => '', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_block(). */ function whois_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0) { // listing of blocks, such as on the admin/block page if ($op == "list") { $block[0]["info"] = t('Whois mini form'); return $block; } elseif ($op == 'view') { switch ($delta) { case 0: $block['subject'] = 'Whois'; $block_content = drupal_get_form('whois_whois_mini_form'); break; } $block['content'] = $block_content; return $block; } } // end whois_block /** * Implementation of hook_form(). * * Produce a form for the mini_form block */ function whois_whois_mini_form() { $form = array(); $form['whois_address'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 15, '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['whois_submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Lookup'), ); return $form; } /* * Wrapper around whois_whois_form_submit */ function whois_whois_mini_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { module_load_include('inc', 'whois', 'whois.pages'); whois_whois_form_submit($form, $form_state); return; } function whois_ajax() { if (!user_access('access whois')) { return; } $output = ''; $address = !empty($_POST['address']) ? $_POST['address'] : arg(1); if (isset($address)) { // Check for hourly threshold. if (flood_is_allowed('whois', variable_get('whois_hourly_threshold', 13))) { $output .= whois_display_whois($address); } else { $output .= t("You cannot do more than %number whois lookups per hour. Please try again later.", array('%number' => variable_get('whois_hourly_threshold', 13))); } // Avoid debug information(devel.module) from being added to the preview. $GLOBALS['devel_shutdown'] = FALSE; // Stop further processing and return requested data. drupal_json(array('html' => $output)); } } function whois_display_whois($address) { $data = ''; $result = whois_get_whois($address); $allowed_tags = array('a', 'b', 'i', 'br'); if ($result) { switch (variable_get('whois_output_method', 'html')) { case 'html': $data .= '

' . t('Whois lookup for %address:', array('%address' => $address)) . '

'; if (!empty($result['whois_cached_on'])) { $data .= "

" . t('Cached on:') . ' ' . format_date($result['whois_cached_on'], 'large') . "

"; } if (!empty($result['rawdata'])) { $mod_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'whois'); include_once($mod_path . '/phpwhois/whois.main.php'); include_once($mod_path . '/phpwhois/whois.utils.php'); $utils = new utils; $data .= filter_xss(_whois_utf8_encode($utils->showHTML($result), $address), $allowed_tags); } else { $data .= _whois_handle_error($result, $address); } break; case 'html_status': if (!empty($result['rawdata'])) { $data .= theme('whois_domain_status', $address, $result['regrinfo']['registered'] != 'no', $result); } else { $data .= _whois_handle_error($result, $address); } break; case 'object': $data .= '

' . t('Whois lookup for %address:', array('%address' => $address)) . '

'; if ($whois->Query['status'] < 0) { $data .= _whois_handle_error($result, $address); } else { $mod_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'whois'); include_once($mod_path . '/phpwhois/whois.main.php'); include_once($mod_path . '/phpwhois/whois.utils.php'); $utils = new utils; $data .= '
' . filter_xss(_whois_utf8_encode($utils->showObject($result), $address), $allowed_tags) . '
'; } break; case 'basic': // 'basic' is the default default: $data .= '

' . t('Whois lookup for %address:', array('%address' => $address)) . '

'; if (!empty($result['rawdata'])) { $data .= '
' . check_plain(_whois_utf8_encode(implode("\n", $result['rawdata']), $address)) . '
'; } else { $data .= _whois_handle_error($result, $address); } break; } } return $data; } /** * Return the whois information for a given host. * * @param $address * The address of the host to look up. * * @return * An object describing the Whois result. */ function whois_get_whois($address) { $data = ''; $mod_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'whois'); if (!file_exists($mod_path . '/phpwhois/whois.main.php')) { drupal_set_message(t('There are problems with Whois lookup setup. Report to the website administrators promptly!', array('@status' => url('admin/reports/status'))), 'error'); } elseif ($address != '') { $address = _whois_cleanup_address($address); // check cache first $cid = 'whois-' . $address; if (variable_get('whois_cache_enable', 1) && ($cache = cache_get($cid, "cache")) && !empty($cache->data)) { if (variable_get('whois_log_watchdog', 1) && variable_get('whois_log_watchdog_cached', 0) ) { // Watchdog entry for lookup request if logging cached lookup also. watchdog('whois', 'Whois lookup(cached) for: @address', array('@address' => $address), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l('View', "whois/$address") . ' · ' . l('Address', "http://$address/")); } $cache->data['whois_cached_on'] = $cache->created; return $cache->data; } else { include_once($mod_path . '/phpwhois/whois.main.php'); include_once($mod_path . '/phpwhois/whois.utils.php'); $whois = new Whois(); if (variable_get('whois_log_watchdog', 1)) { // Watchdog entry for lookup request. watchdog('whois', 'Whois lookup for: @address', array('@address' => $address), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l('View', "whois/$address") . ' · ' . l('Address', "http://$address/")); } $result = $whois->Lookup($address); if (empty($result) || empty($result['rawdata'])) { $result['error_query'] = $whois->Query; } elseif (variable_get('whois_cache_enable', 1)) { // cache results cache_set($cid, $result, "cache", variable_get("whois_cache_time", 86400)); } return $result; } } return FALSE; } /** * Parse the user input to remove some obvious mistakes. * Elements like http:// are removed * * @param $address * The user input * * @return * The cleaned up domain or IP to look up */ function _whois_cleanup_address($address) { $r = "^(?:(?P\w+)://)?"; // e.g. http:// $r .= "(?:(?P\w+):(?P\w+)@)?"; // e.g. username:password@ $r .= "(?:(?Pwww\.(?=.*\..*)))?"; // e.g. www. the (?= is a lookahead to avoid removing // The interresting part we would like to preserve // Matching very broad to avoid excluding things like IDN $r .= "(?P.+\.(?P.+))"; // e.g. www and $r .= "(?::(?P\d+))?"; // e.g. :80 $r .= "(?P/[\w/]*(?P\w+(?:\.\w+)?)?)?"; // e.g. /foo/bar/baz.html $r .= "(?:\?(?P[\w=&]+))?"; // e.g. ?foo=1&bar=2 $r .= "(?:#(?P\w+))?"; // e.g. #anchor42 $r = "!$r!"; // Delimiters $result = array(); preg_match($r, $address, $result); if (!empty($address) && empty($result['domain'])) { drupal_set_message(t("Invalid address received."), 'error'); } elseif ($address != $result['domain']) { drupal_set_message(t("Reduced '%address' to '%new.'", array('%address' => $address, '%new' => $result['domain']))); } return $result['domain']; } /** * Detect the text encoding and encode it to UTF-8 when needed * * @param $str * The text to encode * * @param $address * The address being looked up * * @return * The text encoded as UTF-8 */ function _whois_utf8_encode(&$str, $address) { $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str); // When a non-utf-8 encoding is detected, force an encoding. if ($encoding != 'UTF-8') { $str = utf8_encode($str); } return $str; } /** * Format and check the error data returned from the phpwhois library * * @param &$result * The result array * * @param $address * The address being looked up * * @return * The error text encoded as UTF-8 */ function _whois_handle_error(&$result, $address) { $str = ''; if (is_array($result['error_query']['errstr'])) { $str .= implode("\n
", $result['error_query']['errstr']); } elseif (!empty($result['error_query']['errstr'])) { $str .= $result['error_query']['errstr']; } else { $str .= t("No data was retreived from whois server"); } $str = check_plain(_whois_utf8_encode($str, $address)); return $str; }