Description ----------- This module adds a webform content type to your Drupal site. A webform can be a questionnaire, contact or request form. These can be used by visitor to make contact or to enable a more complex survey than polls provide. Submissions from a webform are saved in a database table and can optionally be mailed to e-mail addresses upon submission. Requirements ------------ Drupal 6.16 or higher Installation ------------ 1. Copy the entire webform directory the Drupal sites/all/modules directory. 2. Login as an administrator. Enable the module in the "Administer" -> "Site Building" -> "Modules" 3. (Optional) Edit the settings under "Administer" -> "Site configuration" -> "Webform" 4. Create a webform node at node/add/webform. Upgrading from previous versions -------------------------------- 1. Copy the entire webform directory the Drupal modules directory. 2. Login as the FIRST user or change the $access_check in update.php to FALSE 3. Run update.php (at Support ------- Please use the issue queue for filing bugs with this module at