; $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2010/11/05 23:02:14 rsevero Exp $ Statistics Pro 6.x-2.3, 2010-11-05 --------------------------- bug #912414 by pumpkinkid, AllRob and rsevero: Updated Statistics Pro to _really_ work with Charts and Graphs 6.x-2.x. task #963764 by rsevero: Removed partial support for Charts and Graphs 6.x-1.x. Statistics Pro 6.x-2.2, 2010-10-29 --------------------------- bug #902308 by emilacosta and rsevero: Implemented a few extra checks to make dependency on the Statistics module really optional. bug #897438 by druido and rsevero: Fixed several incompatibilities with PostgresSQL. bug #956772 by rsevero: Fixed overview page. feature #931504 by drupalshrek and rsevero: Included links to Advanced Help pages in settings and overview pages. task #933564 by drupalshrek and rsevero: Made statspro() class name compliant with Drupal coding standards. Statistics Pro 6.x-2.1, 2010-07-12 --------------------------- task #851864 by rsevero: Changed DATE field type ID to lower case to make Schema module happy. bug #846390 by rsevero: Fixed function name usage for Charts and Graphs. task by rsevero: Removed warning about patchs for Charts and Graphs. Statistics Pro 6.x-2.0, 2010-07-05 --------------------------- bug #838416 by rsevero: Fixed pie charts on overview page by removing HTML tags from x labels. task by rsevero: Fixed minor typo on README.txt. Statistics Pro 6.x-2.0-BETA2, 2010-06-21 --------------------------- task by rsevero: Updated translation files. task by rsevero: Fixed a few inconsistencies in some charts. bug #833996 by rsevero: Included missing data on charts for reports log, page visualization and user. task by rsevero: Created reference views for importing back to Drupal and editing for the following reports: comments, logs, nodes, page visualizations and users. task #833890 by rsevero: Moved "Tool" page from report menu do site admin menu. bug #833878 by rsevero: Fixed wrong include file name in PIs report page. task by rsevero: Improving graphs on overview page. task by rsevero: Included new Advanced Help page dealing with optional dependencies. task by rsevero: Included in README.txt links to Charts and Graphs and Views Charts issues related to recommended patchs on these two modules. task by rsevero: Included optional dependency indication for module Views Charts on main Statistics Pro settings page. Statistics Pro 6.x-2.0-BETA1, 2010-06-21 --------------------------- task by rsevero: Updated README.txt file. task by rsevero: Updated translation files. feature #833676 by rsevero: Implemented graphs for comment, log, node, pi and user reports. task by rsevero: Removed warnings about recommended modules in reports pages. Statistics Pro 6.x-2.0-ALPHA3, 2010-06-20 --------------------------- task by rsevero: Updated README.txt file. task by rsevero: Updated translation files. feature #831978 by rsevero: Implemented graphs for overview page and path aggregated reports. feature #829370 by rsevero: Implemented Statistics requirement as optional. Statistics Pro 6.x-2.0-ALPHA2, 2010-06-18 --------------------------- task by rsevero: Fixed Coder warnings for statspro.inc. task #830688 by rsevero: Migrate to Statistics Pro exclusive permissions and using "Statistics Pro" in all permission names. bug #831328 by bennos: Removed spurious 'dd()' from statspro class method get_stats(). task by rsevero: Implemented period support in the following drush statspro command options: alert, comments, critical, emergency, error, nodes, path_aggregated, pi, sessions, ualert, ucritical, uemergency, uerror, upi, users, uwarning and warning. task by rsevero: Implemented drush support for path aggregated reports with configurable periods. task by rsevero: Centralized period name creation in statspro_get_period_info(). Statistics Pro 6.x-2.0-ALPHA1, 2010-06-17 --------------------------- task by rsevero: Tag 6.x-2.0-ALPHA1 created. task by rsevero: Updated statspro.pot and pt-br translation files. task by rsevero: Implemented period definition support through URL for 'Overview' and 'Path aggregated' reports. feature #659266 by rsevero: Implemented tests. task by rsevero: Changed optional path aggregated requirements detection not to show errors. task by rsevero: Fixed misspeling of past tense 'meat' to 'met'. feature #659266 by rsevero: Added updated statspro.pot, pt-br.po and pt-br.mo files. feature #659266 by rsevero: Advanced Help page for path aggregated reports. feature #659266 by rsevero: First implementation complete. bug #819272 by rsevero: Removed pie charts from "Common" page and Charts module requirement (from 6.x-1.x). task by rsevero: Fixed CHANGELOG.txt file. task by rsevero: Removed requirement indication for module Statistics Advanced when it's enabled. task #825188 by FrankT, rsevero: Added updated german translation file and fixed field description (from 6.x-1.x). feature #659266 by rsevero: Started implementation. task by rsevero: Renamed several files. bug #823354 by rsevero: Fixed period definitions converting all SQL WHEREs from SQL date functions do 'day [>=|=|<=] %u' (from 6.x-1.x-dev). feature #819684 by rsevero: Updated "Advanced Help" pages", fixed "Coder" issue, updated translations files and fixed wrong texts from 'Custom numbers of days' to 'Custom number of days'. feature #819684 by rsevero: Included new period "custom X days" with tests. task #822212 by rsevero: Included minimal "Advanced Help" documentation and it's brazilian portuguese translation (from 6.x-1.x-dev). bug #822816 by rsevero: Fixed statspro table "critical" field name. task #822794 by rsevero: Fixed "statspro" drush command help message (from 6.x-1.x-dev). task by rsevero: Updating translation files (from 6.x-1.x-dev). task #822632 by rsevero: Reorganizing "Tools" page (from 6.x-1.x-dev). feature #819566 by rsevero: Created statistics about 'emergency', 'uemergency', 'alert', 'ualert', 'critical' and 'ucritical'. task #822122 by rsevero: Removed unused methods from StatisticsProBaseTestClass in statspro.test. task #821652 by rsevero: Created helper function for watchdog table related data gathering and converted all current functions to use the new helper function. task #821630 by rsevero: Changed all "private" methods and vars to "protected" in statspro.inc. task by rsevero: Ignoring cvs-release-notes.php file. task by rsevero: Removed cvs-release-notes.php file. Statistics Pro 6.x-1.0-rc1, 2010-06-05 --------------------------- task by rsevero: Updating both statspro.pot translation template file and pt-br.po brazilian portuguese translation file. task #814280 by rsevero: Tests created. task by rsevero: Removed unused statspro_date.inc and all references to it. task by rsevero: Improved comments in statspro.inc: better identifying each type of data gathered. task #819212 by rsevero: Fixed typo in statspro.reports.inc method name: from "statspro_chart_summery" to "statspro_chart_summary". task by rsevero: Removed german terms from statspro_top10terms.view. task by rsevero: Removed requirement for module Browscap. task #814280 by rsevero: Created more tests. bug report #817208 by rsevero: Increased graph width. feature #817206 by rsevero: Included more detailed explanation of difference of ipXupi, errorXuerror etc. task by rsevero: Fixed unique requirement IDs. feature #817138 by rsevero: Included new info requirement for module Browscap. task by rsevero: Changed a few remaining Statistics pro to Statistics Pro. task by rsevero: Fixed minor comment issues in statspro.inc. Statistics Pro 6.x-1.0-beta4, 2010-06-03 --------------------------- task by rsevero: Updating statspro.pot translation template file. task #814280 by rsevero: Created more tests. bug #816550 by rsevero: Fixed counting of watchdog errors instead of warnings in "warning" and "uwarning". task #816386 by rsevero: Removed unused "generate_results()" method from statspro class. Statistics Pro 6.x-1.0-beta3, 2010-06-02 --------------------------- task #814280 by rsevero: Created first tests. task by rsevero: Updating both statspro.pot translation template file and pt-br.po brazilian portuguese translation file. task #816340 by rsevero: Fixed typo on the warnings description text for lack of Statistics Advanced module. bug #816298 by rsevero: Fixed counting of watchdog notices instead of errors in "error" and "uerror". bug #816258 by rsevero: Fixed the "undefined index" warnings in statspro.inc line 550 that can appear the first times cron is called. task #814210 by rsevero: Included requirement warning for Statistics Advanced module. task #814330 by rsevero: Fixed statspro->get_stats() function removing default value of parameter that comes before parameters without default values. task #814276 by rsevero: Fixed Translation template extractor module compatibility. task #814210 by rsevero: Included dependency and requirement for Statistics Advanced module. Statistics Pro 6.x-1.0-beta2, 2010-05-28 --------------------------- bug by rsevero: Fixed failure of unused statspro_update_6103(). task by rsevero: Included the cvs-release-notes.php helper. bug #811660 by Splicer, rsevero: Removed ampersands to fix "Call-time pass-by-reference" and dd(). task by rsevero: Undone the previous change. Sometimes the medicine is worst than the malady. task by rsevero: Separated the drop table and the rename table in statspro_update_6102() to two different functions - statspro_update_6102() and statspro_update_6103() - so the failure of the first will prevent the second from running. task by rsevero: Changed "Content commom" label to "General view". task by rsevero: Changed all Statistics pro to Statistics Pro. task by rsevero: Added README.txt. task by rsevero: Renamed brazilian portuguese translation file from statspro.pt-br.po to pt-br.po. task by rsevero: Included brazilian portuguese translation and small fix in english text. task bt rsevero: Fixed some t() usage and updated statspro.pot file. bug by rsevero: Fixed bug introduced by previous commit. task by rsevero: Fixed t() usage problems identified by the Translation template extractor module. task by rsevero: Renamed .pot file from general.pot to statspro.pot and updated it. task by rsevero: Adjusted to "coder" requirements. Statistics Pro 6.x-1.0-beta1, 2010-05-26 --------------------------- bug #682294 by rsevero: Changed the 'day' column type in the 'statspro' table from 'timestamp' to 'date' to prevent the recording of more than one row per day. task by rsevero: Incrementing the alt and title texts on the images that form the bar graphs. bug #556046 by rsevero: Included info on trend arrows explaining they always refer to the line above. task by rsevero: Changed statspro_uninstall() to delete all variables. task by rsevero: reformatting code. task #476308 by rsevero: including php version requirement in statspro.info file. task #443950 by suit4: requiring stastspro_views_handler_field_graph.inc only once in stastspro_views_handler_field_graph_trend.inc and using full path. Statistics Prov 6.x-1.x, 2010-05-25 --------------------------- support #779922 by kiamlaluno: new maintainer rsevero