/* PieColors.as is basically a file containing a list of colors to be used as default colors for the pie chart in case the colors have not been defined in the XML file. To change the list of colors, simply change the RGB code of the color given below (pls remember not to use # before colors). Finally, after changing just compile the .fla file. */ _global.pieDefaultColors = new Array(); pieDefaultColors[0] = "0099CC"; //Blue Shade pieDefaultColors[1] = "FF0000"; //Bright Red pieDefaultColors[2] = "006F00"; //Dark Green pieDefaultColors[3] = "0099FF"; //Blue (Light) pieDefaultColors[4] = "FF66CC"; //Dark Pink pieDefaultColors[5] = "996600"; //Variant of brown pieDefaultColors[6] = "669966"; //Dirty green pieDefaultColors[7] = "7C7CB4"; //Violet shade of blue pieDefaultColors[8] = "FF9933"; //Orange pieDefaultColors[9] = "CCCC00"; //Chrome Yellow+Green pieDefaultColors[10] = "9900FF"; //Violet pieDefaultColors[11] = "999999"; //Grey pieDefaultColors[12] = "99FFCC"; //Blue+Green Light pieDefaultColors[13] = "CCCCFF"; //Light violet pieDefaultColors[14] = "669900"; //Shade of green pieDefaultColors[15] = "1941A5"; //Dark Blue