In our previous example, we had used FusionCharts to plot a chart using data stored in database. We'll now extend that example itself to create a drill-down chart which can show more information.

Before you go further with this page, we recommend you to please see the previous sections like "Basic Examples", Creating Data from Array" as we start off from concepts explained in those pages.

If you recall from previous example, we were showing the sum of factory output in a pie chart as under:

In this example, we'll extend this example, so that when a user clicks on a pie slice for a factory, he can drill down to see date wise production for that factory.
Setting up the pie chart for Link
To set up the pie chart to enable links for drill-down involves just minor tweaking of our previous BasicDBExample.php. We basically need to add the link attribute for each <set> element. We create a new page Default.php (in DB_DrillDown folder) from the previous page with the following code changes:

The code examples contained in this page are contained in Download Package > Code > PHP > DB_DrillDown folder.

//We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts.php and ../Includes/DBConn.php, which contains
//functions to help us easily embed the charts and connect to a database.

   <TITLE> FusionCharts Free - Database and Drill-Down Example </TITLE>
   <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
   //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database.
   //For the sake of ease, we've used a MySQL database containing two

   //Connect to database

   $link = connectToDB();

   'strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated

   'Generate the graph element
   $strXML = "<graph caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' decimalPrecision='0' showNames='1' numberSuffix=' Units' pieSliceDepth='30' formatNumberScale='0' >";

   //Fetch all factory records
   $strQuery = "select * from Factory_Master";
   $result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());

   //Iterate through each factory
   if ($result) {
      while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         'Now create second query to get details for this factory
         $strQuery = "select sum(Quantity) as TotOutput from Factory_Output where FactoryId=" . $ors['FactoryId'];
         $result2 = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());
         $ors2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
         //Generate <set name='..' value='..' link='..' />
         //Note that we're setting link as Detailed.php?FactoryId=<<FactoryId>> and then URL Encoding it

         $strXML .="<set name='" . $ors['FactoryName'] . "' value='" . $ors2['TotOutput'] . "' link='" . urlencode("Detailed.php?FactoryId=" . $ors['FactoryId']) . "'/>";
         //free the resultset

   //Finally, close <chart> element
   $strXML .="</chart>";

   //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from $strXML
   echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/FCF_Pie3D.swf", "", $strXML, "FactorySum", 600, 300);

As you can see in the code above, we're doing the following:

  1. Include FusionCharts.js JavaScript class and FusionCharts.php , to enable easy embedding of FusionCharts.
  2. We then include DBConn.php, which contains connection parameters to connect to MySQL database.
  3. Thereafter, we generate the XML data document by iterating through the recordset. We store the XML data in strXML variable. To each <set> element, we add the link attribute, which points to Detailed.php - the page that contains the chart to show details. We pass the factory id of the respective factory by appending it to the link. We finally URL Encode the link, which is a very important step.
  4. Finally, we render the chart using renderChart() method and pass strXML as dataXML.

Let's now shift our attention to Detailed.php page.

Creating the detailed data chart page
The page Detailed.php contains the following code:

//We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts.php and ../Includes/DBConn.php, which contains
//functions to help us easily embed the charts and connect to a database.

//a file having a list of colors to be applied to each column (using getFCColor() function)
   <TITLE> FusionCharts Free - Database and Drill-Down Example </TITLE>
   <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
   //This page is invoked from Default.php. When the user clicks on a pie
   //slice in Default.php, the factory Id is passed to this page. We need
   //to get that factory id, get information from database and then show
   //a detailed chart.

   //First, get the factory Id

   //Request the factory Id from Querystring
   $FactoryId = $_GET['FactoryId'];

   //Connect to database
   $link = connectToDB();

   //$strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated
   //Generate the chart element string
   $strXML = "<graph caption='Factory " & FactoryId &" Output ' subcaption='(In Units)' xAxisName='Date' showValues='1' decimalPrecision='0'>";

   //Now, we get the data for that factory
   $strQuery = "select * from Factory_Output where FactoryId=" . $FactoryId;
   $result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());

   //Iterate through each factory
   if ($result) {
      while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         //Here, we convert date into a more readable form for set name.
         $strXML .="<set name='" . datePart("d",$ors['DatePro']) . "/" . datePart("m",$ors['DatePro']) . "' value='" . $ors['Quantity'] . "' color='" . getFCColor() . "'/>";

   //Close <chart> element
   $strXML .="</chart>";

   //Create the chart - Column 2D Chart with data from $strXML
   echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/FCF_Column2D.swf", "", $strXML, "FactoryDetailed", 600, 300);

In this page, we're:

  1. Including FusionCharts.js JavaScript class and FusionCharts.php , to enable easy embedding of FusionCharts.
  2. Requesting the factory id for which we've to show detailed data. This data was sent to us as query string, as a part of pie chart link.
  3. We get the requisite data for this factory from database and then convert it into XML using string concatenation.
  4. Finally, we render a Column 2D chart using renderChart() method to show detailed data.

When you now run the app, you'll see the detailed page as under: