In this section, we'll show you how to use FusionCharts PHP class functions to plot charts from data contained in PHP arrays. We'll cover the following examples here:

  • Creating a single series chart from data contained in an array
  • Creating a multi-series chart from data contained in arrays

Before you go further with this page, we recommend you to please see the previous section "Basic Examples" as we start off from concepts explained in that page.

The code examples contained in this page are present in Download Package > Code > PHPClass > ArrayExample folder.

Creating a single series chart from data contained in arrays
The code to create a single series chart is contained in SingleSeries.php and can be listed as under:

  //We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.php, which contains FusionCharts PHP Class
  //to help us easily embed the charts.


    FusionCharts Free - Array Example using Single Series Column 3D Chart

  //You need to include the following JS file, if you intend to embed the chart using JavaScript.
  //Embedding using JavaScripts avoids the "Click to Activate..." issue in Internet Explorer
  //When you make your own charts, make sure that the path to this JS file is correct.
  //Else, you would get JavaScript errors.

  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>



  //In this example, using FusionCharts PHP Class we plot a single series chart
  //from data contained in an array.

  //The array needs to have two columns - first one for data labels/names
  //and the next one for data values.

  //Let's store the sales data for 6 products in our array. We also store
  //the name of products.

  //Store Name of Products in the first column of the array

  $arrData[0][0] = "Product A";
  $arrData[1][0] = "Product B";
  $arrData[2][0] = "Product C";
  $arrData[3][0] = "Product D";
  $arrData[4][0] = "Product E";
  $arrData[5][0] = "Product F";
  //Store sales data in the second column of the array

  $arrData[0][1] = 567500;
  $arrData[1][1] = 815300;
  $arrData[2][1] = 556800;
  $arrData[3][1] = 734500;
  $arrData[4][1] = 676800;
  $arrData[5][1] = 648500;

  # Create FusionCharts PHP Class object for single series column3d chart
  $FC = new FusionCharts("Column3D","600","300");

  # Set Relative Path of chart swf file.

  # Store chart attributes in a variable
  $strParam="caption=Sales by Product;numberPrefix=$;formatNumberScale=0;decimalPrecision=0";

  # Set chart attributes

  # Call FusionCharts PHP Class Function to add data from the array

  # Render the chart


In the above example:
  • We have included FusionCharts_Gen.php and FusionCharts.js.
  • Stored the category names/labels in the first column of the 2-dimensional array $arrData[]
  • Then we stored respective data values in the second column of the 2-dimensional array $arrData[]
  • Created an instance of the FusionCharts PHP class for Column 3D chart with 600 pixels width, 300 pixels height.
  • Set relative path of chart SWF file
  • Rendered chart using renderChart() function
Please go through FusionCharts PHP Class API Reference section to know more about the functions used in the above code.
When you view the chart, you'll see a chart as under:
Creating a multi-series chart from data contained in arrays
Let us now create a multi-series chart from data contained in arrays. We create a file MultiSeries.php with the following code:

  //We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.php, which contains FusionCharts PHP Class
  //to help us easily embed the charts.


    FusionCharts Free - Array Example using Multi Series Column 3D Chart

  //You need to include the following JS file, if you intend to embed the chart using JavaScript.
  //Embedding using JavaScripts avoids the "Click to Activate..." issue in Internet Explorer
  //When you make your own charts, make sure that the path to this JS file is correct.
  //Else, you would get JavaScript errors.


  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>



  //In this example, using FusionCharts PHP Class
  //we plot a mulitseries chart from data contained in arrays

  /* The arrays need to be of the following structure :

  1. Array to store Category Names :

  A single dimensional array storing the category names

  2. A 2 Dimensional Array to store data values

  ** Each row will store data for 1 dataset

  Column 1 will store : Dataset Series Name.
  Column 2 will store : Dataset attributes
  (as list separated by delimiter.)
  Column 3 and rest will store : values of the dataset

  //Let's store the sales data for 6 products in our array. We also store the name of products.

  //Store Name of Products

  $arrCatNames[0] = "Product A";
  $arrCatNames[1] = "Product B";
  $arrCatNames[2] = "Product C";
  $arrCatNames[3] = "Product D";
  $arrCatNames[4] = "Product E";
  $arrCatNames[5] = "Product F";
  //Store sales data for current year
  $arrData[0][0] = "Current Year";
  $arrData[0][1] = ""; // Dataset Parameters
  $arrData[0][2] = 567500;
  $arrData[0][3] = 815300;
  $arrData[0][4] = 556800;
  $arrData[0][5] = 734500;
  $arrData[0][6] = 676800;
  $arrData[0][7] = 648500;
  //Store sales data for previous year
  $arrData[1][0] = "Previous Year";
  $arrData[1][1] = ""; // Dataset Parameter
  $arrData[1][2] = 547300;
  $arrData[1][3] = 584500;
  $arrData[1][4] = 754000;
  $arrData[1][5] = 456300;
  $arrData[1][6] = 754500;
  $arrData[1][7] = 437600;

  # Create FusionCharts PHP Class object for multiseies column3d chart
  $FC = new FusionCharts("MSColumn3D","600","300");

  # Set Relative Path of chart swf file.

  # Store chart attributes in a variable
  $strParam="caption=Sales by Product;numberPrefix=$;formatNumberScale=1;rotateValues=1;decimalPrecision=0";

  # Set chart attributes

  # Pass the 2 arrays storing data and category names to
  # FusionCharts PHP Class function addChartDataFromArray

  $FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData, $arrCatNames);

  # Render the Chart



Let's analyze what we have done in the code above:
  • We included FusionCharts_Gen.php class and FusionCharts.js classes
  • We cteated 2 arrays - one single dimensional aray and one 2-dimensional array. The single dimensional array $arrCatNames stores category names. The 2-dimensional array $arrData stores dataset name, dataset parameters and values in its each row.
    Note: dataset parameters separated by delimiters should be stored as string. It is optional for multi series charts, but compulsory for combination charts.
  • We created FusionCharts PHP class object for Multi-series Column 3D chart with 600 pixels width, 300 pixels height
  • We set relative path of chart SWF file using setSwfPath() function
  • We stored delimiter separated chart attributes in $strParam variable and paseed this variable through
    function to set chart attributes.
  • Next, we called addChartDataFromArray() function and passed $arrData and $arrCatNames arrays through it. The arrays should be passed in this order only, i.e., $arrData is to be the first parameter and $arrCatNames the second.
  • Finally we rendered the chart using renderChart() function
Please go through FusionCharts PHP Class API Reference section to know more about the functions used in the above code.
When you view the chart, you'll see a chart as under:
In Download Package > Code > PHPClass > ArrayExample, we've more example codes to create Stacked and Combination Charts too, which have not been explained here, as they're similar in concept. You can directly see the code if you want to.