In this section, we'll show you how to use FusionCharts with JSP to plot
data collected in forms.
We'll build a simple restaurant sales example, where the user will enter the items sold by a restaurant in a given week. This data will be submitted in a form to the server. We'll acquire this data and plot in on a chart. For the sake of simplicity, we wouldn't do any processing on this data. However, your real life applications might process data before presenting it on the chart.
Before you go further with this page, we recommend you to please see the previous section "Basic Examples" as we start off from concepts explained in that page.
The code examples contained in this
page are present in Download Package > Code
> JSP > FormBased folder.
The form is contained in Default.jsp and looks as under:
It's a very simple form which submits to Chart.jsp. As such, we wouldn't go into the code of this form. You can directly open the source from download and see it.
The work of requesting the data from submitted form and creating the chart is done in Chart.jsp, present in the same folder. It contains the following code:
<TITLE>FusionCharts Free - Form Based Data Charting Example</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<h2><a href="" target="_blank">FusionCharts Free</a> Form-Based Data Example</h2>
<h4>Restaurant Sales Chart below</h4>
String strSoups="",strSalads="",strSandwiches="",strBeverages="",strDesserts="";
strSoups = request.getParameter("Soups");
strSalads = request.getParameter("Salads");
strSandwiches = request.getParameter("Sandwiches");
strBeverages = request.getParameter("Beverages");
strDesserts = request.getParameter("Desserts");
String strXML="";
strXML = "<graph caption='Sales by Product Category' subCaption='For this week' showPercentageInLabel='1' pieSliceDepth='25'
decimalPrecision='0' showNames='1'>";
strXML = strXML + "<set name='Soups' value='" + strSoups + "' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set name='Salads' value='" + strSalads + "' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set name='Sandwiches' value='" + strSandwiches + "' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set name='Beverages' value='" + strBeverages + "' />";
strXML = strXML + "<set name='Desserts' value='" + strDesserts + "' />";
strXML = strXML + "</graph>";
<jsp:include page="../Includes/FusionChartsRenderer.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="chartSWF" value="../../FusionCharts/FCF_Pie3D.swf" />
<jsp:param name="strURL" value="" />
<jsp:param name="strXML" value="<%=strXML %>" />
<jsp:param name="chartId" value="Sales" />
<jsp:param name="chartWidth" value="600" />
<jsp:param name="chartHeight" value="350" />
<jsp:param name="debugMode" value="false" />
<jsp:param name="registerWithJS" value="false" />
<a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>Enter data again</a> <BR>
<a href='../NoChart.html' target="_blank">Unable to see the chart above?</a><BR><H5 ><a href='../default.htm'>« Back to list of examples</a></h5>
As you can see in the above code, we're doing the following:
- Including FusionCharts.js in this page.
- Requesting data from the submitted form and storing it in local variables
- Creating an XML data document using string concatenation and storing it in strXML variable
- Rendering a Pie 3D chart by including FusionChartsRenderer.jsp and passing strXML as parameter.
When you finally run the code, you'll see a chart as under: