FusionCharts can effectively be used with JSP to plot dynamic data-driven
charts. In this example, we'll show a few basic examples to help you get
We'll cover the following examples here:
- We'll use FusionCharts in JSP with a pre-built Data.xml (which contains
data to plot)
- We'll then change the above chart into a single page chart using dataXML
- Finally, we'll use FusionCharts JavaScript class to embed the chart.
Let's quickly see each of them. Before you proceed with the contents
in this page, we strictly recommend you to please go through the section
"How FusionCharts works?".
All code discussed here is present
in Download Package > Code > JSP >
BasicExample folder.
In our code, we've used the charts contained in Download Package > Code > FusionCharts folder. When you run your samples, you need to make sure that the SWF files are in proper location.
Let's now get to building our first example. In this example, we'll create a "Monthly Unit Sales" chart using dataURL method. For a start, we'll hard code our XML data in a physical XML document Data.xml and then utilize it in our chart contained in an JSP Page (BasicChart.jsp).
Let's first have a look at the XML Data document:
<graph caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>
<set name='Jan' value='462' color='AFD8F8' />
<set name='Feb' value='857' color='F6BD0F' />
<set name='Mar' value='671' color='8BBA00' />
<set name='Apr' value='494' color='FF8E46' />
<set name='May' value='761' color='008E8E' />
<set name='Jun' value='960' color='D64646' />
<set name='Jul' value='629' color='8E468E' />
<set name='Aug' value='622' color='588526' />
<set name='Sep' value='376' color='B3AA00' />
<set name='Oct' value='494' color='008ED6' />
<set name='Nov' value='761' color='9D080D' />
<set name='Dec' value='960' color='A186BE' />
This XML is stored as Data.xml in Data
Folder under BasicExample folder.
It basically contains the data to create a single series chart to show
"Monthly Unit Sales". We'll plot this on a Column 3D Chart.
Let's see how to do that.
To plot a Chart that consumes this data, you need to include the HTML
code to embed a Flash object and then provide the requisite parameters.
To make things simpler for you, we've put all this functionality in an
JSP named FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp.
This jsp is present in Download Package
> Code > JSP > Includes. So,
whenever you need to work with FusionCharts in JSP, just include this
file in your page, where you want to render the chart and then you can work with FusionCharts very easily.
us see how to use the FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp.
Let's see it in example. BasicChart.jsp
contains the following code:
<TITLE>FusionCharts Free - Simple Column 3D Chart</TITLE>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<h2><a href="http://www.fusioncharts.com" target="_blank">FusionCharts Free</a> Examples</h2>
<h4>Basic example using pre-built Data.xml</h4>
<jsp:include page="../Includes/FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="chartSWF" value="../../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf" />
<jsp:param name="strURL" value="Data/Data.xml" />
<jsp:param name="strXML" value="" />
<jsp:param name="chartId" value="myFirst" />
<jsp:param name="chartWidth" value="600" />
<jsp:param name="chartHeight" value="300" />
<jsp:param name="debugMode" value="false" />
<a href='../NoChart.html' target="_blank">Unable to see the chart
<BR><H5 ><a href='../default.htm'>« Back to list of examples</a></h5>
As you can see above, we've included FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp
to help us render the chart. To this include, you need to pass the following parameters :
chartSWF |
String |
SWF File Name
(and Path) of the chart which you intend to plot. Here, we are plotting
a Column 3D chart. So, we've specified it as ../../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf |
strURL |
String |
If you intend to use dataURL
method for the chart, pass the URL as this parameter. Else, set it
to "" (in case of dataXML
method). In this case, we're using Data.xml
file, so we specify Data/Data.xml |
strXML |
String |
If you intend to use dataXML
method for this chart, pass the XML data as this parameter. Else,
set it to "" (in case of dataURL
method). Since we're using dataURL
method, we specify this parameter as "". |
chartId |
String |
Id for the chart, using which
it will be recognized in the HTML page. Each chart on the
page needs to have a unique Id. |
chartWidth |
int value |
Intended width for the chart
(in pixels) |
chartHeight |
int value |
Intended height for the chart
(in pixels) |
debugMode |
true/false String |
Whether to start the chart in debug mode. This feature is not available in Free version. |
When you now run this page, you'll see a chart like the one below.
If you do not see a chart like the one below,
please follow the steps listed in Debugging your
Charts > Basic Troubleshooting section of this documentation.
We will see in our next example, how to use
FusionChartsCreator.java instead of FusionCharts.jsp for creating charts
easily. Note that this is the preferred way of creating charts.
So, you just saw how simple it is to create a chart using JSP and FusionCharts. Let's now convert the above chart to use dataXML method.
To convert this chart to use dataXML method, we create another page BasicDataXML.jsp in the same folder with following code:
<TITLE>FusionCharts Free - Simple Column 3D Chart using dataXML method</TITLE>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<h2><a href="http://www.fusioncharts.com" target="_blank">FusionCharts Free</a> Examples</h2>
<h4>Basic example using dataXML method (with XML data hard-coded in
JSP page itself)</h4>
<p>If you view the source of this page, you'll see that the XML data
is present in this same page (inside HTML code). We're not calling any
external XML files to serve XML data. dataXML method is
ideal when you've to plot small amounts of data.</p>
String strXML="";
strXML += "<graph caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>";
strXML += "<set name='Jan' value='462' color='AFD8F8'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Feb' value='857' color='F6BD0F'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Mar' value='671' color='8BBA00'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Apr' value='494' color='FF8E46'/>";
strXML += "<set name='May' value='761' color='008E8E'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Jun' value='960' color='D64646'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Jul' value='629' color='8E468E'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Aug' value='622' color='588526'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Sep' value='376' color='B3AA00'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Oct' value='494' color='008ED6'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Nov' value='761' color='9D080D'/>";
strXML += "<set name='Dec' value='960' color='A186BE'/>";
strXML += "</graph>";
<jsp:include page="../Includes/FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="chartSWF" value="../../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf" />
<jsp:param name="strURL" value="" />
<jsp:param name="strXML" value="<%=strXML%>" />
<jsp:param name="chartId" value="myNext" />
<jsp:param name="chartWidth" value="600" />
<jsp:param name="chartHeight" value="300" />
<jsp:param name="debugMode" value="false" />
<a href='../NoChart.html' target="_blank">Unable to see the chart above?</a><BR><H5 ><a href='../default.htm'>« Back to list of examples</a></h5>
As you can see above, we:
- Create the XML data document in an JSP variable strXML using string concatenation. Here, we're hard-coding the data. In your applications, you can build this data dynamically after interacting with databases or external sources of data.
- Include FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp file wherever the chart needs to be rendered.
- Pass appropriate parameters to this page. The parameter "strXML" is set with the value present in strXML variable created in step 1.
When you see this chart, you'll get the same results as before.
If you see the charts from previous examples in the latest versions of Internet Explorer, you'll see a screen as below:
Internet Explorer asks you to "Click and activate..." to use the chart. This is happening because of a patent that Microsoft lost to Eolas. As such, all Flash movies need to be clicked once before you can start interacting with them.
However, the good news is that there's a solution to it. This thing happens only when you directly embed the HTML code of the chart. It would NOT happen when you use JavaScript to embed the chart. To see how to embed using JavaScript at code level, please see Creating Your First Chart > JavaScript Embedding Section.
Again, to make things simpler for you, we've provided an JSP function called createChart() which helps you wrap this JavaScript function, so that you don't have to get your hands dirty with JavaScript, Flash and HTML. This function is contained in the previously used FusionCharts.jsp or FusionChartsCreator.java file.
Let's now quickly put up a sample to show the use of this function. We create another JSP page SimpleChart.jsp to use this function to plot a chart from data contained in our previously created Data.xml file. It contains the following code:
<TITLE>FusionCharts Free - Simple Column 3D Chart</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<h2><a href="http://www.fusioncharts.com" target="_blank">FusionCharts Free</a> Examples</h2>
<h4>Embedding chart using FusionCharts JavaScript class and using dataURL method.</h4>
<jsp:include page="../Includes/FusionChartsRenderer.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="chartSWF" value="../../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf" />
<jsp:param name="strURL" value="Data/Data.xml" />
<jsp:param name="strXML" value="" />
<jsp:param name="chartId" value="myFirst" />
<jsp:param name="chartWidth" value="600" />
<jsp:param name="chartHeight" value="300" />
<jsp:param name="debugMode" value="false" />
<jsp:param name="registerWithJS" value="false" />
<a href='../NoChart.html' target="_blank">Unable to see the chart above?</a><BR><H5 ><a href='../default.htm'>« Back to list of examples</a></h5>
As you can see above, we've:
- Included FusionCharts.js file, which is required when using the JavaScript method.
- Included FusionChartsRenderer.jsp file wherever the chart needs to be rendered.
- Passed appropriate parameters to this include.
The included page FusionChartsRenderer.jsp is present in the Includes folder. It expects the following parameters:
chartSWF |
String |
SWF File Name (and Path) of the chart which you intend to plot. Here, we are plotting a Column 3D chart. So, we've specified it as ../../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf |
strURL |
String |
If you intend to use dataURL method for the chart, pass the URL as this parameter. Else, set it to "" (in case of dataXML method). In this case, we're using Data.xml file, so we specify Data/Data.xml |
strXML |
String |
If you intend to use dataXML method for this chart, pass the XML data as this parameter. Else, set it to "" (in case of dataURL method). Since we're using dataURL method, we specify this parameter as "". |
chartId |
String |
Id for the chart, using which it will be recognized in the HTML page. Each chart on the page needs to have a unique Id. |
chartWidth |
int |
Intended width for the chart (in pixels) |
chartHeight |
int |
Intended height for the chart (in pixels) |
debugMode |
true/false String |
Whether to start the chart in debug mode. This feature is not available in Free version. |
registerWithJS |
boolean |
Whether to register the chart with JavaScript. This feature is not available in Free version |
These parameters are similar to the parameters expected by FusionChartsHTMLRenderer.jsp. debugMode and registerWithJS are not used in Free version. The only difference is FusionChartsRenderer.jsp uses javascript to render the chart. When you now view the chart, you'll see that
no activation is required even in Internet Explorer.