Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace Utilities Public Class Util Public arr_FCColors(20) As String Public FC_ColorCounter As Integer Public Sub New() 'This page contains an array of colors to be used as default set of colors for FusionCharts 'arr_FCColors is the array that would contain the hex code of colors 'ALL COLORS HEX CODES TO BE USED WITHOUT # 'We also initiate a counter variable to help us cyclically rotate through 'the array of colors. FC_ColorCounter = 0 arr_FCColors(0) = "1941A5" 'Dark Blue arr_FCColors(1) = "AFD8F8" arr_FCColors(2) = "F6BD0F" arr_FCColors(3) = "8BBA00" arr_FCColors(4) = "A66EDD" arr_FCColors(5) = "F984A1" arr_FCColors(6) = "CCCC00" 'Chrome Yellow+Green arr_FCColors(7) = "999999" 'Grey arr_FCColors(8) = "0099CC" 'Blue Shade arr_FCColors(9) = "FF0000" 'Bright Red arr_FCColors(10) = "006F00" 'Dark Green arr_FCColors(11) = "0099FF" 'Blue (Light) arr_FCColors(12) = "FF66CC" 'Dark Pink arr_FCColors(13) = "669966" 'Dirty green arr_FCColors(14) = "7C7CB4" 'Violet shade of blue arr_FCColors(15) = "FF9933" 'Orange arr_FCColors(16) = "9900FF" 'Violet arr_FCColors(17) = "99FFCC" 'Blue+Green Light arr_FCColors(18) = "CCCCFF" 'Light violet arr_FCColors(19) = "669900" 'Shade of green End Sub 'getFCColor method helps return a color from arr_FCColors array. It uses 'cyclic iteration to return a color from a given index. The index value is 'maintained in FC_ColorCounter Public Function getFCColor() As String 'Update index FC_ColorCounter = FC_ColorCounter + 1 'Return color Return arr_FCColors(FC_ColorCounter Mod UBound(arr_FCColors)) End Function End Class End Namespace