/*You need to include the following JS file, if you intend to embed the chart using JavaScript.
Embedding using JavaScripts avoids the "Click to Activate..." issue in Internet Explorer
When you make your own charts, make sure that the path to this JS file is correct. Else, you would get JavaScript errors.
Plotting multi-series chart from data contained in Array.
/*In this example, we plot a multi series chart from data contained
in an array. The array will have three columns - first one for data label (product)
and the next two for data values. The first data value column would store sales information
for current year and the second one for previous year.
Let's store the sales data for 6 products in our array. We also store
the name of products.
String[][] arrData = new String[6][3];
//Store Name of Products
arrData[0][0] = "Product A";
arrData[1][0] = "Product B";
arrData[2][0] = "Product C";
arrData[3][0] = "Product D";
arrData[4][0] = "Product E";
arrData[5][0] = "Product F";
//Store sales data
arrData[0][1] = "567500";
arrData[1][1] = "815300";
arrData[2][1] = "556800";
arrData[3][1]= "734500";
arrData[4][1] = "676800";
arrData[5][1] = "648500";
//Store sales data for previous year
arrData[0][2]= "547300";
arrData[1][2] = "584500";
arrData[2][2]= "754000";
arrData[3][2]= "456300";
arrData[4][2]= "754500";
arrData[5][2]= "437600";
String strXML = "";
//Initialize element - necessary to generate a multi-series chart
String strCategories = "";
//Initiate elements
String strDataCurr = "";
String strDataPrev = "";
//Iterate through the data
for(int i=0;i to strCategories
strCategories = strCategories + "";
//Add to both the datasets
strDataCurr = strDataCurr + "";
strDataPrev = strDataPrev + "";
//Close element
strCategories = strCategories + "";
//Close elements
strDataCurr = strDataCurr + "";
strDataPrev = strDataPrev + "";
//Assemble the entire XML now
strXML = strXML + strCategories + strDataCurr + strDataPrev + "";
//Create the chart - MS Column 3D Chart with data contained in strXML
Unable to see the chart