%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MultiChart.aspx.cs" Inherits="BasicExample_MultiChart" %>
FusionCharts Free - Multiple Charts on one Page
//You need to include the following JS file, if you intend to embed the chart using JavaScript.
//Embedding using JavaScripts avoids the "Click to Activate..." issue in Internet Explorer
//When you make your own charts, make sure that the path to this JS file is correct. Else, you would get JavaScript errors.
Multiple Charts on the same page. Each chart has a unique ID.
//This page demonstrates how you can show multiple charts on the same page.
//For this example, all the charts use the pre-built Data.xml (contained in /Data/ folder)
//However, you can very easily change the data source for any chart.
//Now, create a Column 2D Chart
//Now, create a Line 2D Chart
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