0 ORDER BY changed ASC', 0, $limit); while ($n = db_fetch_object($results)) { _taxonomy_facets_update($n->nid); // Mark the node's term associations as up-to-date. db_query('UPDATE {taxonomy_facets_node} SET changed = 0 WHERE nid = %d', $n->nid); } } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function taxonomy_facets_menu() { $items = array(); $items['admin/settings/faceted_search/taxonomy_facets'] = array( 'title' => 'Taxonomy index', 'page callback' => 'taxonomy_facets_index_page', 'access arguments' => array('administer faceted search'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'file' => 'taxonomy_facets.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/settings/faceted_search/taxonomy_facets/rebuild'] = array( 'page callback' => 'taxonomy_facets_rebuild', 'access arguments' => array('administer faceted search'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'taxonomy_facets.admin.inc', ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). * * Mark the node's term associations as needing update. * * Note: Term associations are stored in the taxonomy_facets_term_node table * even for unpublished nodes. This avoids any problem if the node's published * status is altered outside of hook_nodeapi()'s reach. */ function taxonomy_facets_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'delete': // Delete the node's term associations. db_query("DELETE FROM {taxonomy_facets_node} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid); db_query("DELETE FROM {taxonomy_facets_term_node} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid); break; case 'insert': // Insert a record for storing the node's term associations status. db_query('INSERT INTO {taxonomy_facets_node} (nid, changed) VALUES (%d, %d)', $node->nid, 0); // Immediately update the node's term associations. _taxonomy_facets_update($node->nid); break; case 'update': // Immediately update the node's term associations. _taxonomy_facets_update($node->nid); break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_taxonomy(). * * The taxonomy_facets_term_node table is used to store a (nid,tid) pair for * each term that's associated to a node *and*, unlike the core term_node table, * all ancestors of those terms. This ensures that browsing for any term will * also return nodes associated with descendant terms. This table is Taxonomy * Facets' "index". Of course, this is needed only for hierarchical * vocabularies; when querying terms in "flat" vocabularies, Taxonomy Facets * uses the core term_node table. * * Taxonomy changes in hierarchical vocabularies thus require an update of the * taxonomy_facets_term_node table. Whether a vocabulary or a term changes, we * rebuild associations for all terms of the affected vocabulary. This is needed * because an existing vocabulary can become hierarchical (requiring adding the * associations) or become flat (requiring removal of the associations). Also, * an existing term may move under a new parent, potentially affecting many * other terms in the vocabulary (requiring rebuilding the associations). * * Admittedly, this is a bit crude as this behavior often rebuilds the term * associations of nodes that do not really need an update. However, the * associations are not directly created in this hook; here we only mark nodes * as needing an update, and the cron hook takes care of the real work. */ function taxonomy_facets_taxonomy($op, $type, $array = NULL) { if ($op == 'delete' || $op == 'update') { if ($type == 'term') { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($array['vid']); if ($vocabulary->hierarchy) { if ($op == 'update') { // A term from a hierarchical vocabulary has changed. _taxonomy_facets_touch($array['vid']); } else { // $op == 'delete' // A term from a hierarchical vocabulary has been deleted. We can't // use _taxonomy_facets_touch() here, because at this point the term // has already been removed from the term_data table. _taxonomy_facets_touch_term($array['tid']); } } } else { // A vocabulary has changed. _taxonomy_facets_touch($array['vid']); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_faceted_search_collect(). */ function taxonomy_facets_faceted_search_collect(&$facets, $domain, $env, $selection, $arg = NULL) { switch ($domain) { case 'facets': $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies(); foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) { _taxonomy_facets_localize_vocabulary($vocabulary); // If the vocabulary's corresponding facet is allowed. if (!isset($selection) || isset($selection['taxonomy'][$vocabulary->vid])) { $facets[] = new taxonomy_facet($vocabulary); } } break; case 'text': // Scan the given search text for a 'taxonomy:{path,path,path,...}' token, // and create facets from it. if ($found_text = search_query_extract($arg, 'taxonomy')) { $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies(); // Extract separate facets $paths = explode(',', $found_text); foreach ($paths as $path_index => $tids) { $tids = explode('.', $tids); // Extract path of tids $path = array(); // Array to collect path of categories $previous_tid = 0; foreach ($tids as $tid) { if (!is_numeric($tid) || $tid <= 0) { break; // Invalid tid } $term = taxonomy_get_term($tid); if (!$term) { break; // No term for tid } if (!isset($vocabularies[$term->vid]) || (isset($selection) && !isset($selection['taxonomy'][$term->vid]))) { break; // Term's vocabulary not allowed. } if ($previous_tid != 0) { $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($tid); if (!isset($parents[$previous_tid])) { break; // Term is not a child of the previous term in path } } _taxonomy_facets_localize_term($term); // Add category to current path. if ($vocabularies[$term->vid]->hierarchy) { // TODO: Fix potential problem if parents of the first tid have been omitted from $tids $path[] = new taxonomy_facet_hierarchical_category($term->tid, $term->name); } else { $path[] = new taxonomy_facet_category($term->tid, $term->name); } $previous_tid = $tid; } // If found some categories in the current path of tids, build a facet if (count($path) > 0) { _taxonomy_facets_localize_vocabulary($vocabularies[$term->vid]); $facets[] = new taxonomy_facet($vocabularies[$term->vid], $path); } } // Remove the parsed token from the search text. $arg = search_query_insert($arg, 'taxonomy'); } return $arg; case 'node': if (is_array($arg->taxonomy)) { $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies(); foreach ($arg->taxonomy as $term) { $vid = $term->vid; // If the vocabulary's corresponding facet is allowed. if (isset($vocabularies[$vid]) && (!isset($selection) || isset($selection['taxonomy'][$vid]))) { $path = array(); // Retrieve ancestor terms. while ($term) { _taxonomy_facets_localize_term($term); if ($vocabularies[$vid]->hierarchy) { $category = new taxonomy_facet_hierarchical_category($term->tid, $term->name); } else { $category = new taxonomy_facet_category($term->tid, $term->name); } array_unshift($path, $category); $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($term->tid); $term = reset($parents); // Keep only the first parent } if ($path) { _taxonomy_facets_localize_vocabulary($vocabularies[$vid]); // Create a facet with the found term as the active category. $facets[] = new taxonomy_facet($vocabularies[$vid], $path); } } } } break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter(). */ function taxonomy_facets_form_faceted_search_edit_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) { // Prepend submit function (must be called before the settings are saved). $form['#submit'] = array('taxonomy_facets_edit_form_submit' => array()) + $form['#submit']; } /** * Submit callback for the environment edit form. * * Check what vocabularies have been enabled/disabled in order to mark * associated nodes as needing an update. */ function taxonomy_facets_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $env = $form_state['values']['env']; // Find what vocabularies were enabled before this form submission. $old_status = array(); $results = db_query("SELECT env_id, filter_id AS vid FROM {faceted_search_filters} WHERE filter_key = 'taxonomy' AND status = 1"); while ($r = db_fetch_object($results)) { $old_status[$r->vid][$r->env_id] = TRUE; } // Determine what vocabularies require associated nodes to be marked for an update. $enabled = FALSE; $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies(); foreach (array_keys($vocabularies) as $vid) { if (!$vocabularies[$vid]->hierarchy) { // Updating term node associations is only relevant with hierarchical // vocabularies. continue; } // Check requested status for the current environment. if (isset($form_state['values']['facets']['taxonomy_'. $vid]['status'])) { $new_status = $form_state['values']['facets']['taxonomy_'. $vid]['status']; if (($new_status && !isset($old_status[$vid])) || (!$new_status && isset($old_status[$vid]) && count($old_status[$vid]) == 1 && isset($old_status[$vid][$env->env_id]))) { // Vocabulary is now enabled and no environment was already using it // - OR - // Vocabulary is now disabled and this was the last environment needing it. _taxonomy_facets_touch($vid); if ($new_status) { $enabled = TRUE; } } } } if ($enabled) { drupal_set_message(t('The newly enabled taxonomy facets will only become effective after their indexes have been built by cron runs.', array('@cron' => url('admin/reports/status/run-cron')))); // TODO: Add link to indexing status page. } } /** * A taxonomy-based facet. * * @see taxonomy_facet_category() */ class taxonomy_facet extends faceted_search_facet { /** * The vocabulary used by this facet. */ var $_vocabulary = NULL; /** * Constructor. */ function taxonomy_facet($vocabulary, $active_path = array()) { parent::faceted_search_facet('taxonomy', $active_path); $this->_vocabulary = $vocabulary; parent::set_weight($vocabulary->weight); // Assign default weight. } /** * Returns the id of this facet. */ function get_id() { return $this->_vocabulary->vid; } /** * Return the label of this facet. The implementor is responsible to ensure * adequate security filtering. */ function get_label() { return check_plain($this->_vocabulary->name); } /** * Returns the available sort options for this facet. */ function get_sort_options() { $options = parent::get_sort_options(); $options['term'] = t('Term'); // Term weight & name. return $options; } /** * Handler for the 'count' sort criteria. */ function build_sort_query_count(&$query) { $query->add_orderby('count', 'DESC'); $query->add_orderby('term_data.weight', 'ASC'); $query->add_orderby('term_data.name', 'ASC'); } /** * Handler for the 'term' sort criteria. */ function build_sort_query_term(&$query) { $query->add_orderby('term_data.weight', 'ASC'); $query->add_orderby('term_data.name', 'ASC'); } /** * Returns the search text for this facet, taking into account this facet's * active path. */ function get_text() { return implode('.', array_map('_taxonomy_facets_get_category_tid', $this->get_active_path())); } /** * Updates a query for retrieving the root categories of this facet and their * associated nodes within the current search results. * * @param $query * The query object to update. * * @return * FALSE if this facet can't have root categories. */ function build_root_categories_query(&$query) { if ($this->_vocabulary->hierarchy) { $query->add_table('taxonomy_facets_term_node', 'nid', 'n', 'nid', 'term_node'); $query->add_table('term_hierarchy', 'tid', 'term_node', 'tid'); $query->add_where('term_hierarchy.parent = 0'); } else { $query->add_table('term_node', 'vid', 'n', 'vid'); } $query->add_table('term_data', 'tid', 'term_node', 'tid'); $query->add_field('term_data', 'tid', 'tid'); $query->add_field('term_data', 'name', 'name'); $query->add_where('term_data.vid = %d', $this->_vocabulary->vid); $query->add_groupby('tid'); // Needed for counting matching nodes. return TRUE; } /** * This factory method creates categories given query results that include the * fields selected in get_root_categories_query() or get_subcategories_query(). * * @param $results * $results A database query result resource. * * @return * Array of categories. */ function build_categories($results) { $categories = array(); while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) { $result->vid = $this->_vocabulary->vid; // Fill missing term data. _taxonomy_facets_localize_term($result); if ($this->_vocabulary->hierarchy) { $categories[] = new taxonomy_facet_hierarchical_category($result->tid, $result->name, $result->count); } else { $categories[] = new taxonomy_facet_category($result->tid, $result->name, $result->count); } } return $categories; } } /** * A category for non-hierarchical taxonomy-based facets. * * @see taxonomy_facet() */ class taxonomy_facet_category extends faceted_search_category { var $_tid = NULL; var $_name = ''; /** * Constructor. */ function taxonomy_facet_category($tid, $name, $count = NULL) { parent::faceted_search_category($count); $this->_tid = $tid; $this->_name = $name; } /** * Return the label of this category. * * @param $html * TRUE when HTML is allowed in the label, FALSE otherwise. Checking this * flag allows implementors to provide a rich-text label if desired, and an * alternate plain text version for cases where HTML cannot be used. The * implementor is responsible to ensure adequate security filtering. */ function get_label($html = FALSE) { return check_plain($this->_name); } /** * Updates a query for selecting nodes matching this category. * * @param $query * The query object to update. */ function build_results_query(&$query) { // Since multiple terms might be used and cause multiple joins of // taxonomy_facets_term_node, we add the tid into the table alias to ensure // a unique alias. $query->add_table('term_node', 'nid', 'n', 'nid', "term_node_{$this->_tid}"); $query->add_where("term_node_{$this->_tid}.tid = %d", $this->_tid); } } /** * A category for hierarchical taxonomy-based facets. * * @see taxonomy_facet() */ class taxonomy_facet_hierarchical_category extends taxonomy_facet_category { /** * Constructor. */ function taxonomy_facet_hierarchical_category($tid, $name, $count = NULL) { parent::taxonomy_facet_category($tid, $name, $count); } /** * Updates a query for retrieving the subcategories of this category and their * associated nodes within the current search results. * * This only needs to be overridden for hierarchical facets. * * @param $query * The query object to update. * * @return * FALSE if this facet can't have subcategories. */ function build_subcategories_query(&$query) { $query->add_table('taxonomy_facets_term_node', 'nid', 'n', 'nid', 'term_node'); $query->add_table('term_data', 'tid', 'term_node', 'tid'); $query->add_table('term_hierarchy', 'tid', 'term_node', 'tid'); $query->add_field('term_data', 'tid', 'tid'); $query->add_field('term_data', 'name', 'name'); $query->add_where('term_hierarchy.parent = %d', $this->_tid); $query->add_groupby('tid'); // Needed for counting matching nodes. return TRUE; } /** * Updates a query for selecting nodes matching this category. * * @param $query * The query object to update. */ function build_results_query(&$query) { // Since multiple terms might be used and cause multiple joins of // taxonomy_facets_term_node, we add the tid into the table alias to ensure // a unique alias. $query->add_table('taxonomy_facets_term_node', 'nid', 'n', 'nid', "term_node_{$this->_tid}"); $query->add_where("term_node_{$this->_tid}.tid = %d", $this->_tid); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal stuff /** * Return the id of the specified category. Useful for array_map(). */ function _taxonomy_facets_get_category_tid($category) { return $category->_tid; } /** * Update the term associations of a node in the taxonomy_facets_term_node * table. */ function _taxonomy_facets_update($nid) { // Retrieve the node's current term associations from the core term_node // table, but only for terms that belong to hierarchical vocabularies whose // corresponding facets are enabled in at least one search environment. Terms // that do not meet those conditions do not belong in the // taxonomy_facets_term_node table. $tids = array(); $results = db_query("SELECT tn.tid, t.vid FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {term_node} tn ON n.vid = tn.vid INNER JOIN {term_data} t ON t.tid = tn.tid INNER JOIN {faceted_search_filters} f ON f.filter_id = t.vid INNER JOIN {vocabulary} v ON t.vid = v.vid WHERE n.nid = %d AND f.filter_key = 'taxonomy' AND f.status = 1 AND v.hierarchy > 0", $nid); while ($r = db_fetch_object($results)) { // Create associations between the node and all of the term's ancestors. $ancestors = taxonomy_get_parents_all($r->tid); foreach ($ancestors as $term) { // Using the tid as key to avoid duplicates (multiple terms may share // common ancestors). $tids[$term->tid] = $term->tid; } } db_lock_table('{taxonomy_facets_term_node}'); // Delete the node's old term associations from taxonomy_facets_term_node. db_query('DELETE FROM {taxonomy_facets_term_node} WHERE nid = %d', $nid); // Insert the node's updated term associations into taxonomy_facets_term_node. foreach ($tids as $tid) { db_query("INSERT INTO {taxonomy_facets_term_node} (nid, tid) VALUES (%d, %d)", $nid, $tid); } db_unlock_tables(); } /** * Mark all nodes associated with terms from the specified vocabulary as needing * an update. */ function _taxonomy_facets_touch($vid) { // Mark nodes with the current time, unless they're already marked. db_query('UPDATE {taxonomy_facets_node} SET changed = %d WHERE changed = 0 AND nid IN (SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {term_node} tn ON n.vid = tn.vid INNER JOIN {term_data} t ON t.tid = tn.tid WHERE t.vid = %d)', time(), $vid); } /** * Mark all nodes associated with the specified term or one of the term's * children as needing an update. */ function _taxonomy_facets_touch_term($tid) { // Mark nodes with the current time, unless they're already marked. db_query('UPDATE {taxonomy_facets_node} SET changed = %d WHERE changed = 0 AND nid IN (SELECT tn.nid FROM {taxonomy_facets_term_node} tn WHERE tn.tid = %d)', time(), $tid); } /** * Localize a term by replacing its name attribute with its localized version * for the current language. * * @param $term * The term to localize, with at least tid, vid, and name data members. * * This is based on i18ntaxonomy_localize_terms(), but with less overhead. */ function _taxonomy_facets_localize_term(&$term) { // If this term's vocabulary supports localization. if (module_exists('i18ntaxonomy') && i18ntaxonomy_vocabulary($term->vid) == I18N_TAXONOMY_LOCALIZE) { $term->name = tt("taxonomy:term:$term->tid:name", $term->name); } } /** * Localize a vocabulary by replacing its name attribute with its localized * version for the current language. */ function _taxonomy_facets_localize_vocabulary(&$vocabulary) { // If this vocabulary supports localization. if (module_exists('i18ntaxonomy') && i18ntaxonomy_vocabulary($vocabulary->vid) == I18N_TAXONOMY_LOCALIZE) { $vocabulary->name = tt("taxonomy:vocabulary:$vocabulary->vid:name", $vocabulary->name); } }