'#title' => t('Menu root'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('dynamic_persistent_menu_menu_root', 'navigation:0'),
'#options' => $options,
'#description' => t('Choose the menu you wish to display in the block')
$form['dynamic_persistent_menu_sub_menu_timeout'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Sub-menu timeout'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('dynamic_persistent_menu_sub_menu_timeout', 2000),
'#description' => t('Time before menu hiding when the mouse pointer leaves the parent menu (in milliseconds)')
return $form;
case 'save':
variable_set('dynamic_persistent_menu_menu_root', $edit['dynamic_persistent_menu_menu_root']);
variable_set('dynamic_persistent_menu_sub_menu_timeout', (int) $edit['dynamic_persistent_menu_sub_menu_timeout']);
* Implementation of hook_theme
function dynamic_persistent_menu_theme() {
return array(
'dynamic_persistent_menu' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'menu' => NULL,
'parent' => NULL,
'timeout' => NULL
'dynamic_persistent_menu_menu_item' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'link' => NULL,
'extra_class' => NULL,
'id' => NULL
* Theme functions
function theme_dynamic_persistent_menu($menu_name, $mlid, $timeout) {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'dynamic_persistent_menu') .'/dynamic-persistent-menu.css');
$item_class = "dynamic-persistent-menu-menu-item";
$sub_item_class = "dynamic-persistent-menu-sub-menu-item";
// Find menu item in the menu tree
$menu_tree = dynamic_persistent_menu_tree_page_data($menu_name, $mlid);
$menu_link = menu_link_load($mlid);
// Don't display anything if the selected menu has no children
if (!$menu_tree) {
// Build the menus
$output = '
$output .= $submenu;
drupal_add_js("overMenuDefault = 'dynamic-persistent-menu-menu". $over_menu_default ."';", 'inline');
drupal_add_js("subMenuTimeout = $timeout;", 'inline');
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'dynamic_persistent_menu') .'/dynamic_persistent_menu.js');
return $output;
* Generate the HTML output for a menu item and submenu item.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_dynamic_persistent_menu_menu_item($link, $extra_class = NULL, $id = NULL) {
if (!empty($extra_class)) {
$class .= ' '. $extra_class;
if ($link['in_active_trail']) {
$link['localized_options']['attributes']['class'] = 'active';
return ''. theme('menu_item_link', $link) ."\n";
* Get the data structure representing a named menu tree, based on the current page.
* The tree order is maintained by storing each parent in an individual
* field, see http://drupal.org/node/141866 for more.
* @param $menu_name
* The named menu links to return
* @return
* An array of menu links, in the order they should be rendered. The array
* is a list of associative arrays -- these have two keys, link and below.
* link is a menu item, ready for theming as a link. Below represents the
* submenu below the link if there is one, and it is a subtree that has the
* same structure described for the top-level array.
function dynamic_persistent_menu_tree_page_data($menu_name, $mlid) {
static $tree = array();
// Load the menu item corresponding to the current page.
if ($item = menu_get_item()) {
// Generate a cache ID (cid) specific for this page.
// $cid = 'links:'. $menu_name .':page-cid:'. $item['href'] .':'. (int)$item['access'];
if (!isset($tree[$cid])) {
// If the static variable doesn't have the data, check {cache_menu}.
$cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache_menu');
// If the tree data was not in the cache, $data will be NULL.
if (!isset($data)) {
// Build and run the query, and build the tree.
if ($item['access']) {
// Check whether a menu link exists that corresponds to the current path.
$args = array($menu_name, $item['href']);
$placeholders = "'%s'";
if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
$args[] = '';
$placeholders .= ", '%s'";
$parents = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND link_path IN (". $placeholders .")", $args));
if (empty($parents)) {
// If no link exists, we may be on a local task that's not in the links.
// TODO: Handle the case like a local task on a specific node in the menu.
$parents = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND link_path = '%s'", $menu_name, $item['tab_root']));
// We always want all the top-level links with plid == 0.
$parents[] = '0';
// Use array_values() so that the indices are numeric for array_merge().
$args = array($mlid);
for ($i=0; $i < 2; $i++) {
$placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE plid in (". $placeholders .")", $args);
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$args[] = $row->mlid;
$placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
array_unshift($args, $menu_name);
else {
// Show only the top-level menu items when access is denied.
$args = array($menu_name, '0');
$placeholders = '%d';
$parents = array();
// Select the links from the table, and recursively build the tree. We
// LEFT JOIN since there is no match in {menu_router} for an external
// link.
$data['tree'] = menu_tree_data(db_query("
SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.title, m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, m.description, ml.*
FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path
WHERE ml.menu_name = '%s' AND ml.mlid IN (". $placeholders .")
ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC, p6 ASC, p7 ASC, p8 ASC, p9 ASC", $args), $parents);
$data['node_links'] = array();
menu_tree_collect_node_links($data['tree'], $data['node_links']);
// Check access for the current user to each item in the tree.
menu_tree_check_access($data['tree'], $data['node_links']);
$tree = $data['tree'];
return $tree;
return array();