modulename = $module; //save it as a provider; charts_graphs_apis($result); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). * */ function charts_graphs_menu() { $items = array(); // For testing and Advanced Help examples. $items['charts_graphs/test'] = array( 'page callback' => 'charts_graphs_test', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/settings/charts_graphs'] = array( 'title' => 'Charts and Graphs', 'description' => 'Main configurations for Charts and Graphs', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('charts_graphs_main_settings_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); return $items; } /** * Main Charts and Graphs settings form. */ function charts_graphs_main_settings_form() { $form = array(); $form['charts_graphs_check_chart_api'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Check presence of Chart API module'), '#description' => t( 'Defines if !charts_graphs will check for the presence of the !chart_api module. This only affects the presentation of a warning in the !status_page complaining about both the Charts and Graphs module and the Chart API module being installed at the same time.', array( '!charts_graphs' => l( t('Charts and Graphs'), '' ), '!chart_api' => l( t('Chart API'), '' ), '!status_page' => l(t('Status report'), 'admin/reports/status'), ) ), '#default_value' => variable_get('charts_graphs_check_chart_api', 1), '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['charts_graphs_check_charts'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Check presence of Charts module'), '#description' => t( 'Defines if !charts_graphs will check for the presence of the !charts module. This only affects the presentation of a warning in the !status_page complaining about both the Charts and Graphs module and the Charts module being installed at the same time.', array( '!charts_graphs' => l( t('Charts and Graphs'), '' ), '!charts' => l( t('Charts'), '' ), '!status_page' => l(t('Status report'), 'admin/reports/status'), ) ), '#default_value' => variable_get('charts_graphs_check_charts', 1), '#required' => TRUE, ); return system_settings_form($form); } /** * For testing and Advanced Help examples. * * @return */ function charts_graphs_test($submodule = NULL, $type = 'bar', $title = 'The Title', $series = NULL, $labels = NULL) { if ($submodule === NULL) { $submodule = array_shift(array_keys(charts_graphs_apis())); } if ($series === NULL) { $series = array( 'Some Value' => array(91, 60, 70, 90, 5, 72, 63, 9, 72), 'Page Views' => array(63, 70, 94, 50, 7, 62, 93, 71, 3), ); } else { $series = unserialize($series); } if ($labels === NULL) { $labels = array( 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine' ); } else { $labels = unserialize($labels); } $canvas = charts_graphs_get_graph($submodule); if ((strpos($type, 'pie') !== FALSE) || (strpos($type, 'donut') !== FALSE)) { $series = array( reset(array_keys($series)) => reset(array_values($series)), ); } $canvas->title = check_plain($title); $canvas->width = 500; $canvas->height = 400; $canvas->type = $type; $canvas->y_legend = 'Y Legend'; $canvas->colour = '#ffffff'; $canvas->series = $series; $canvas->x_labels = $labels; $out = $canvas->get_chart(); return $out; } /** * Return the list of graphing implementations available if no parameter is * passed or add a new implementation to the static list. * * @staticvar $apis * @param $api_class * @return */ function charts_graphs_apis($api_class = NULL) { static $apis = array(); if (!empty($api_class)) { $apis[$api_class->name] = $api_class; } else { return $apis; } } /** * Factory method that allows instantiating of a charting implementation class * by implementation name. * * @param $name * @return */ function charts_graphs_get_graph($name) { $apis = charts_graphs_apis(); $api = $apis[$name]; if (!empty($api) && is_object($api)) { require_once($api->path); $canvas = new $api->clazz($api->modulename); return $canvas; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Sequential generator of IDs, guaranteeing unique value per HTTP request. * * @staticvar $id * @return */ function charts_graphs_chart_id_generator() { static $id = 0; $id++; return $id; } /** * Random, unique string generator, to be used for cache_id in async data * retrieval. * * @return */ function charts_graphs_random_hash() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $seed = (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); mt_srand($seed); $randval1 = (string) mt_rand(); $randval2 = (string) mt_rand(); $randval3 = (string) mt_rand(); $rand = $randval1 . $randval2 . $randval3; $randhash = md5($rand); return 'chgr_' . (string) $randhash; }