; $Id: content.help.ini,v 2008/10/22 21:09:12 karens Exp $ [advanced help settings] name = CCK index name = "CCK (Content Construction Kit)" [fields] title = Fields and Widgets weight = -10 [manage-fields] title = 'Manage fields' tab [add] title = Add fields and groups parent = manage-fields weight = 1 [add-new-field] title = Add a new field parent = add weight = 1 [add-existing-field] title = Add an existing field : share a field across content types parent = add weight = 2 [add-new-group] title = Add a new group parent = add weight = 3 [rearrange] title = Rearrange fields and groups parent = manage-fields weight = 2 [remove] title = Remove fields and groups parent = manage-fields weight = 3 [theme] title = Theming CCK data in nodes [theme-node-templates] title = Node templates parent = theme weight = 1 [theme-field-templates] title = Field templates parent = theme weight = 2 [theme-formatters] title = Formatter theme functions parent = theme weight = 3